Terms of Use
Henderson & Lee Law Corporation (“Henderson & Lee Law”, “we” or “us”) operates the www.hendersonleelaw.com website (the “Website”). Use of our website is subject to the following terms and conditions which we may update from time-to-time without notice. Your use of the website constitutes your agreement to be bound by these terms.
Website Information not Intended to be Legal Advice
The information on www.hendersonleelaw.com is not intended to provide or replace legal advice. The facts of your case are important and may affect how the law applies. General statements of law and comments made in materials on this website or information accessed through links on this website to other legal resources are not a substitute for getting specific legal advice on your particular legal situation from a lawyer qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where you are located.
Henderson & Lee Law Corporation has no liability for any damage arising from the misuse of any information provided on this website. The information provided on the website is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Doing so without seeking the advice of legal counsel constitutes a misuse of the information. You are cautioned to consult a lawyer before you rely on or use the legal information obtained from any website.
Confidentiality of Communications
Voicemail or email sent to Henderson & Lee Corporation does not create a solicitor-client relationship and may not receive a response. Henderson & Lee Law Corporation does not guarantee the confidentiality of any unsolicited communications sent by email or through its website or left in voicemail messages on firm telephones.
No automatic solicitor-client relationship
Although the use of the website may facilitate communications with lawyers at Henderson & Lee Law Corporation by e-mail or voicemail, receipt of any such communications or transmissions by any member of Benchmark Law Corporation does not create a solicitor-client relationship, unless our firm agrees to represent you.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@hendersonleelaw.com